An Olympic Story of Snow, Politics, and Legend.
A problem in the Dolomites
Ernest Hemingway to Cortina d’Ampezzo
Enrosadira, Legends of the Dolomites. Majestic landscapes. Join us for discovering this magic land with our environmental guides.
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Tour Operator and Travel Agencies
We are available to professionally organize guided excursion on the whole Dolomites range, always guaranteeing the highest level of competence and reliability
Dolomiti SkiRock
Dolomiti SkiRock di Mario Dibona MoroMaestro di Alpinismo - Istruttore NazionaleSede legale: Manaigo 20, 32043 Cortina d'ampezzo- Dolomiti UNESCO ItalyMail : booking@dolomitiskirock.comP.IVA 01066430255
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